Bartholet Koleje Linowe Sp. z o.o.
Narkiewicz Marcin
Dynamic Heliports Helicopter Landing Pad Installation L.L.C
Capt. Shehab Ahmad Ibrahim Hamza
JV Bartholet-Euras
100017 Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Small ring road, 57A Naberejnaya Anhora street
General director MAMETOV BATIRDJAN
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Bartholet Koleje Linowe Sp. z o.o.
Narkiewicz Marcin
Partner in the HighLights area
Eternal Sun Steel Mast (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Mr. Rupert Yang
189 Ting Hua Road, Ting Lin, Jin Shan District Shanghai 201505
Partner in the HighLights area
Elektromontagen Leipzig GmbH
Stephan Findeisen
Dynamic Heliports Helicopter Landing Pad Installation L.L.C
Capt. Shehab Ahmad Ibrahim Hamza
JV Bartholet-Euras
100017 Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Small ring road, 57A Naberejnaya Anhora street
General director MAMETOV BATIRDJAN